Frequently Asked Questions

Employee & Dependent Datasheets

When do I use LNAP?
LNAP, or Limited Non-Assessment Period, is used to report assessment periods and waiting periods, d...
What qualifies as Union Provided coverage?
If some or all of your employees are eligible for health insurance coverage through a multi-employer...
Who will receive a 1095-C? If we submit data for all employees, do they all receive this form?
ACA Track will provide reports to all individuals listed on your employee datasheet. This could mean that...
My company offered unaffordable coverage during the year. How do I report this?
If you offered unaffordable coverage at any point during the reporting year, this information must be d...
Do we need to include individuals employed through a staffing firm or professional employment organization (PEO) on our Employee Datasheet?
ACA Track cannot make these decisions for you, nor can we offer any legal advice on such issues. We su...
If a person works in 2 or more divisions simultaneously, do we need to list both on our Employee Datasheet?
An employee should only be listed under a single division at any given time. If the employee received h...
Do I need to report COBRA coverage for former employees?
If you offer a self-insured health insurance plan, you are required to report COBRA benefits provided to...
If fully-insured employers do not have to report COBRA coverage for termed employees, how will those employees prove they had coverage?
With fully-insured plans, the insurance company will provide a 1095-B for these individuals. Not...
How should we report termed employees who have been offered COBRA but are in "pending election" status?
If the termed employee is eligible for COBRA coverage but has not yet accepted or waived the offer of co...
How should I prep my data for next year? Should I continue to use the same reporting template?
The standard ACA Track templates may change from year to year, based on IRS or state reporting requiremen...