Frequently Asked Questions

Employee & Dependent Datasheets

Why do I need to collect Social Security numbers for dependents?
  If you are a self-insured employer (regardless of your size), you are required to report the names ...
Do I need to provide a Coverage Begin Date for Not Eligible employees or LNAP employees?
Yes. All employees, regardless of whether they were eligible for coverage or not, need a coverage begin da...
Some of our employees are international. If they move the US, what do we enter for their hire date: their original hire date, or the date they became a US-based employee?
For the purpose of your ACA reporting, if an international employee relocates to the US, you should use t...
Can I use a 9-digit zip code on my Employee Datasheet?
The Employee Datasheet supports either a 5-digit or 9-digit zip code. For 9-digit codes, a dash is require...
I don’t know the coverage begin date for some employees. Is that a problem?
If an employee’s coverage started in a previous year, you do not need to enter the exact date. Instead, yo...
Do I need to change an employee’s Job Status if they are on leave?
That depends on the type of leave they take. If the employee takes protected leave, and returns to work...
What is considered a Job Status Change?
For ACA Reporting, Job Status refers to the type of employee someone is: full-time, variable hours (part-t...
An employee moved to a new division this year. How do I note when that occurred on my Employee Datasheet?
If an employee moves to a new division, it should be handled as a Term/Rehire on your Employee Datasheet: ...
If an employee’s coverage ends on December 31, should we report their Coverage End Date in our employee data?
If the employee will still be covered on December 31, there is no need to report this in your data file. ...
For a terminated employee, do I need to include a Coverage End Date if they had waived coverage?
Yes. The Coverage End Date indicates a change in eligibility as well as coverage, so it is required for a...