Frequently Asked Questions

Plan Information

Do my Plan dates have to cover the entire year?
You need to provide plan information to cover the entire calendar year; however, this does not have to...
Our health insurance plan has several tiers or price points. Do I need to create a unique plan for each of them?
  No. If a plan has more than one tier (as most do), you only need to list information for the lowe...
Do I need to map my Plan ID code, even if it’s the same as the Plan Name listed in ACA Track?
Yes. When pulling information from your Employee or Dependent Datasheet, the ACA Track system can only...
What is an Opt-Out Credit?
  This is the amount an eligible employee receives from the employer if they waive the company-prov...
Our Plan Cost varies by employee. How do we provide that information to ACA Track?
If a plan’s cost varies due to an employee’s age, salary, location, or other reason, you should report ...
What is Fully-Funded?
If your company has a fully-funded health plan, you pay a set premium to a health insurance provider, and...
What is Self-Funded?
If your company offers a self-funded insurance plan, rather than paying plan premiums to a health insur...
What is Minimum Essential Coverage?
Minimum Essential Coverage is the type of coverage needed to satisfy the Individual Mandate require...
What is Minimum Value? How can I be sure my company’s insurance benefits meet Minimum Value?
In order to meet ACA Minimum Value requirements, an employer-sponsored health insurance plan must cover...
Where can I find more information about my company’s requirements under the Affordable Care Act requirements?
For the most up-to-date and reliable information regarding ACA requirements for employees, visit the IR...