Frequently Asked Questions

Plan Information

What is “Conditional” coverage for spouses?
Your spousal coverage is considered “conditional” if the offer for coverage is subject to reasonable, ...
What is the Qualifying Offer Method? Is my company eligible to use the Qualifying Offer Method of reporting?
  The Qualifying Offer Method is essentially a reporting short-cut for those employers that are offering...
How can I tell if my company is eligible to use the 98% Offer Method?
  To be eligible to use the 98% Offer Method, an employer must certify that they offered affordable h...
How do I determine Affordability? How do I know if our coverage is affordable?
  To meet the ACA Affordability requirements, the employee contribution for a plan’s minimum-cost, singl...
Why can’t I edit my plan information?
In order to prevent any changes that could result in reporting errors, we have blocked editing access to m...
How do I update Plan Cost figures?
At this time, plan cost figures can only be updated by your project manager. If you need to make adjustme...