Frequently Asked Questions

Data Inspection Errors

“There is a problem with the Coverage Type Data” error message. What does this mean? How can I fix it?
You received a Coverage Type Data error for one of the following reasons: The Coverage Type field for...
“Employee’s Lowest Cost Contribution is missing” error message. What does this mean? How can I fix it?
  The ACA Track data integrity test checks that the employee information you provided is consistent wi...
“Employee’s Lowest Cost Premium is missing” error message. What does this mean? How can I fix it?
  The ACA Track data integrity test checks that the employee information you provided is consistent wi...
I need to upload a correction file, but do not have the correct or resubmit batch icon. What do I do?
If you are unable to find a "Resume" batch icon, it is likely you deleted the original batch fil...
Why haven’t I received an email with my Data Inspection results?
When uploading your data file, make sure that the file passes both the File Format and Data Validation ins...
I have corrected my employee data file. Do I need to create a new batch?
If you are resubmitting information based on an error you received during a previous upload, you should no...
I corrected all the errors I received during the data inspection test. Why did I get more errors when I uploaded the corrected batch?
The data inspection process consists of three separate tests, each of which check your data for a differen...
I’m receiving a Plan ID error. How can I find the correct plan ID?
Any Plan ID used in your employee data must also be mapped within ACA Track. To verify that a Plan has bee...
I am receiving an error that says my data is missing a column, or the column is not mapped, but it’s for a column that my company does not use. What should I do?
While it is not required that you enter information into all of the columns in the Standard Template, the ...