Additional Resources

Employee Datasheet Resources

Best Practices for Loading 1095-C Data
1095-C Forms are only produced based upon “Actual” data loads. Data loaded as “Inspection” is for practi...
Country Codes
The following are the IRS-approved country codes which should be use for your ACA Track re...
State Codes and Zip Codes
The following chart contains a complete list of US state codes, along with the zip code ranges associa...
Formatting Requirements for Social Security Numbers
  The SSN can be formatted with or without dashes, but must not contain spaces or additional cha...
Employee Datasheet - Field Formatting Requirements
The following tables include the reporting requirements for each field on your Employee Data Spreads...
Common Data Errors
  When filling out your Employee Data Spreadsheet, it is important to pay close attention to the instr...
Empoyee Datasheet - Understanding the Data Fields
In order to develop the required month-by-month reports for your employees, ACA TRACK needs you to pr...
Address Verification Process
There’s no way to guarantee employees won’t move between the time you approve your Employee Census Report ...
Removing Extra Spaces from Your Data File
Extra spaces in your data file, particularly in the SSN column, can result in data errors and should be re...
Data Template Specs
Attached is field by field guidance for data required on the employee data template.