Guides, Manuals and Templates

Uploading Employee & Dependent Data (Data Management)

Data Inspection 5 - Common Reasons for Upload Failures
  Invalid Formatting If your dates, zip codes, and Social Security numbers are not formatted correc...
Data Inspection 6 - Best Practices for Loading Data
When loading your Employee or Dependent Data: Double-check the Batch Template you are using to ensur...
Data Inspection 7 - Guide to Batch “Status” Results
  The following table provides a list of Status results your batch file may receive, along with an exp...
Data Inspection Reports 1 - Reviewing Your Data Inspection Reports
  To view your Data Inspection Error Reports, go to the Data Management module: You can vie...
Data Inspection Reports 2 - Reading Your Data Validation Report
  The Data Validation Report lists any errors that are detected during the Data Validation Inspection...
Data Inspection Reports 3 - Reading Your Data Integrity Report
The Data Integrity Test runs dozens of data field comparisons for each employee or dependent, checking...
Data Upload Icons
  When reviewing the status of your data upload process, you will see several icons next to your batc...