Guides, Manuals and Templates

Plan Management

Plan Management - Table of Contents
Understanding Plans Accessing  Plan Management What is  a Plan? Creating a New Plan Create a  New P...
Plan Management 1 - Accessing Plan Management
  Once you’ve set up and/or reviewed your company divisions, it’s time to set up or review your Hea...
Plan Management 2 - What is a Plan?
  For the purpose of ACA Reporting, a “PLAN” refers to the single-only, lowest cost coverage availab...
Plan Management 3a - Create a New Plan
  To add a new plan to your account, from the Plan Management home screen, click the “Add new Plan”...
Plan Management 3b - Clone an Existing Plan
  If you are creating a new plan, chances are much of the information will be very similar to the i...
Plan Management 4 - Reviewing an Existing Plan
  If you have already created one or more plans, you can locate them by clicking on the parent organi...
Plan Management 5 - Plan Description
  The first thing you need to do when setting up a new plan is provide essential information about the ...
Plan Management 6 - Plan Mapping
  Once you have created your plan, you need to map it to your employee data and assign it to the comp...
Plan Management 7 - Plan Cost
  To assign a cost to your plan, go to the Plan Cost tab. Remember, for the purpose of ACA reporting, w...
Plan Management 8 - Cost Varies by Employee
**This section only applies if your company uses variable contribution rates. If your contribution rates...