Current ACA guidelines state that any employee who works on average at least 30 hours per week, or 130 hours per month, are considered full-time employees. Based on your company’s size, you are subject to potential ACA penalties for not offering affordable coverage meeting minimum value requirements to these employees.

When calculating employee hours, you are required to include protected leave, including such things as family leave, sick leave, and other protected times. For additional information about these requirements see the IRS guide to Identifying Full-time Employees.

If you are having a difficult time evaluating full-time eligibility for your employees, ACA Track also offers a Variable Hour Tracking service. Our Variable Hour Tracking service compiles your payroll records to determine which employees are eligible for company sponsored health insurance under ACA and provides you with a list of actionable reports to ensure you are adhering to federal requirements. For more information about Variable Hour Tracking, contact your Project Manager.