***Sub-Divisions are primarily used for Governmental Entities (DGEs).***

For non-government entities, it is only necessary to report on your individually taxable divisions, 

which should be created as new Companies (see here), not subdivisions.

The system offers the flexibility to create a sub-division under a company/division. This feature will be used very rarely and only when the entity is non-reporting.

To create a sub-division, highlight the company/division in the left navigation panel. RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate parent company/division, and create the sub-division by clicking “Add New Division”.

Note: The sub-division is marked by a “single tower” icon: 

It is very important to pay close attention to the hierarchical structure of your organization setup. Please make sure that children are rolling up to the correct parents, and that your companies and divisions are set up at the right level within the hierarchy. The relationships matter, and the entities set up as the “double towers” will be considered the Authoritative Reporting Entities.

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