If your organization consists of separate divisions or units, each with their own tax identification numbers or EINs, you will need to create a separate company/division for each of them. Repeat the steps above for each Company/Division with a unique tax identification number.  

Tips to Remember When Creating a New Company/Division

  • New Company/Divisions only have to be made for those divisions with their own tax identification number. If your organization has multiple divisions, but a single Tax ID, you only need a single Company/Division listing within the ACA Track system.
  • Remember to highlight the appropriate parent organization (with a star next to it ) in the left navigation panel, and RIGHT-CLICK on the star-level client to create a new Company/Division under that Organization.
  • Double check to make sure your new Company/Division is rolling up to the appropriate Parent.
  • Check that your Company/Division icon is a “double tower”: . All entities marked by a double tower icon in the Company module are considered Authoritative Reporting Entities (they have their own tax identification number or EIN).
  • If your new company/division has a single tower:  it is considered a sub-division, which does not have its own tax identification number or is not an Authoritative Reporting Entity. There may be times when you need to create a sub-division, which we’ll discuss later in this guide. For now, you should NOT create them.

Next Step: Division Management 9 - Sub-Divisions

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