The first thing you will want to do after logging in to the ACA Track system is setup and/or review your company division information. To begin, click the Company & Division Management box on the Home screen.

On the Company & Division Management page, look for your Organization Name on the left side of the screen (it should be the only name listed).

Click on your Organization Name to view a list of companies/divisions you are responsible for.

Each company/division with a separate Tax Identification Number (EIN) must be reported separately to the IRS; therefore, each company/division for which ACA Track is providing the reporting must be set up as its own Company/Division in the system.

If no divisions are listed under your organization name, or if you need to add a company/division not currently listed, right click on your Organization Name (marked with a star) and click the Add New Company button:

Next Step: Division Management 2 - Enter or Review Your Company/Division Basic Information

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