The Client Verification Report provides clients with an easy-to-review snapshot of the information on file with ACA Track regarding your company’s divisions and health insurance plans.

We ask each client to review this report prior to filing your 1095-C forms, to help ensure the information provided in your employee reports is properly interpreted and reported to the IRS.

To view your Client Verification Report, go to the Data Management Module, and click the Client Verification Report button:

Skip to a specific report:


Client Summary Report

The Client Summary Report begins with a general overview of your company, including your client details and a list of divisions.


It is important to review all the details in this section, making sure there are no errors.  

What do these terms mean?

  • Division Name – This should match the name listed on the EIN Verification letter on file with the IRS.
  • Aggregated ALE – If the division is part of an Aggregated ALE, there should be a “Yes” in this field. For more information, see What is an Aggregated ALE Group? 
  • Employee Identification Number – This should match the information listed on the EIN Verification letter on file with the IRS.
  • Date Created – This is the date the division was first set up within ACA Track.
  • Last Updated – This is the date the division information was last updated within ACA Track.
  • Number of Assigned Plans – This is the number of health insurance plans you have assigned to the division. It is important to make sure any plan offered to employees at a division are assigned to the division.
  • ACA Track Reporting – This field indicates whether you have elected for ACA Track to handle the IRS reporting for the division.

If any information if incorrect, contact your Project Manager immediately.


Division Summary Report

The Division Summary Report provides an overview of each division, along with specific mapping and employee count information. The first section of your report covers division details and contact information:


What to Review?

Make sure all the division information is accurate and the contact details are up-to-date and correct. The contact will be the person the IRS contacts with any questions on submissions.

What do these terms mean?

  • Qualifying Offer Method/Transitional Relief – If the division is using the Qualifying Offer Method for reporting, or if you are claiming any form of Transition Relief for the reporting year, that information will be listed here.
  • Is this a designated governmental entity? – If the division is a designated government entity (DGE), there should be a “Yes” in this field.
  • Is Aggregate ALE? – If the division is part of an Aggregated ALE, there should be a “Yes” in this field. For more information, see What is an Aggregated ALE Group?
  • Assigned Plans – This field lists all plans that have been assigned (mapped) to this division. If a plan is not listed here, you will not be able to assign division employees to that plan when uploading your Employee Datasheet.

If any information is incorrect, contact your Project Manager immediately.

Data Mapping Information

The Data Mapping section provides a list of the Division Reference, Job Status, and Coverage Type codes that have been mapped for this division. It is essential that you properly map any codes used within your employee datasheet, because any missing codes will result in a reporting error.



What to Review?

Review the division reference codes mapped to this division to ensure they look correct.

On the Job Status and Coverage Type columns, the code on the left represents the code entered into the system, which should match your employee data. The code on the right is the standard code ACA Track will replace your code with when reporting to the IRS.

Review this section carefully, and make sure that:

  • ALL codes used within your employee data are listed here.
  • Codes are spelled correctly. Even a small misspelling, such as an extra space or incorrect capitalization, will cause an error when you upload your employee datasheet.
  • Each code is mapped to the correct standard code.

If you need to make any changes to your Division Mapping, see our Data Mapping Guide for complete instructions.


Employee Headcount Data

This section provides monthly data regarding the division and its employees.


What to Review?

Review each month and make sure that the information is correct. Pay particular attention if:

  • There are zeros or blanks listed under any month. A zero can be valid, if there were no employees in the division that month, based on the particular count (Total or 4980H). A blank is not valid, unless you have the 98% Offer method, in which case it is acceptable to have blank 4980H Full-time Employees only.
  • The Full-Time Employee count is higher than the Total Employee count for any given month.
  • You’ve checked that you were an Aggregated ALE for some months but not all. For more information, see What is an Aggregated ALE Group?
  • You check Lacking MEC for any months. This is not necessarily wrong, but should be reviewed.

What do these terms mean?

  • Total Employees – This is the total number of individuals employed by the division during each month of the year, including full-time employees, non-full-time employees, and employees in a Limited Non-Assessment Period. For more information, see Which employees should I include in my Total Employee count?
  • 4980H Full-Time Employees – This is the total number of full-time employees working in the division each month, excluding employees in a Limited Non-Assessment Period. An employee should be counted as a full-time employee for a month if they satisfied the definition of full-time employee under the monthly measurement method or the look-back measurement method (as applicable) on any day of the month. For more information, see What qualifies as a full-time employee? Note: If your company is using the 98% Offer Method for the reporting year, this row may be left blank.
  • Aggregated ALE by Month – If the division was part of an Aggregated ALE Group during any month of the calendar year, an “X” should be entered into the box for all applicable months.
  • Lack Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) – If the division did not offer minimum essential coverage during any month of the calendar year, an “X” should be entered into the box for all applicable months. Note: Although various types of health coverage may qualify as minimum essential coverage, for purposes of this report, minimum essential coverage refers to health coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan.


Missing Division Information

If you have divisions entered into ACA Track that are in a Draft status or haven’t been completed, your report may include missing information.


Is This a Concern?

  • If you are reporting on this division within your employee data, you will need to provide any missing information before your 1095-Cs can be filed.
  • If you are NOT reporting on that division within your employee data, this is not an issue.


A Report for Every Division

You will find a separate Division Summary Report for each active division listed on your account. Be sure to review every listed division for accuracy, as any incorrect or missing information could result in an error when uploading or filing your employee data.



Plan Summary Report

The Plan Summary Report provides information about each of the plans listed on your account that are effective in the current IRS reporting year. At the top of each report is a summary of your plan, including its name and relevant details.

What to Review?

Carefully review this section for each plan. If any of the information is incorrect or missing, contact your Project Manager immediately.

Plan Mapping

The Plan Data Mapping section lists all plan id codes and divisions which are mapped to this plan.



What to Review?

  • Plan Identification Codes – This list should include every code used within your employee data to represent this plan. If you used codes not contained in this list, or if any of the codes here are misspelled, you will receive an error when attempting to upload your Employee Datasheet.
  • Assigned Divisions – ALL divisions that offer the selected plan must be listed here, or your employee data will fail during the inspection process.

If you need to make any changes to your Plan Mapping, see our Data Mapping Guide for complete instructions.

Plan Cost Information

The Plan Cost Information section lists the plan prices you have entered throughout the year.

If your plan has costs that vary by employee, you will get a message here regarding that.


What to Review?

When reviewing this section, be sure to verify that:

  • Your start and end dates are correct and cover the entirety of the current IRS reporting year.
  • You have provided a Monthly Employee Required Contribution and Monthly Employee COBRA rate for each time period, unless you’ve selected “Cost Varies by Employee.” If you Monthly Employee Required Contribution is $0.00, that should be entered here; it should not be a blank.

If any of the information in this section is incorrect, contact your Project Manager immediately.

What do these terms mean?

  • Period Start Date – This is the date the current plan pricing went into effect. If the pricing went into effect during the previous reporting year, you can also enter 1/1/20xx (in which, xx is the current reporting year).
  • Period End Date – This is the date the plan pricing ended or the last day that plan was offered. If the plan pricing continues into the next reporting year, you could either enter that or the last day of the current reporting year.
  • Monthly Employee Required Contribution – This is the monthly cost to an employee if they choose to only cover themselves (no dependents or spouse) for the Lowest Cost option available on this Plan.
  • Monthly Employee COBRA Rate – This is the combined employer and employee monthly cost for the single-only, lowest-cost option on this Plan (less the 2% admin fee).
  • Monthly Opt Out Credit – This is the amount an employee would receive each month if they opt-out of coverage. Note: You only need to report this if the opt-out bonus was NOT in place for the plan prior to December 16, 2015.
  • Cost Varies by Employee – If you receive this message, it means you will be providing individual pricing information for employees enrolled in this plan on your Employee Datasheet.


Missing Plan Information

If you have Plans entered into ACA Track that are in a pending status or haven’t been completed, the report for those plans may include missing information.



Is This a Concern?

  • If the plan was offered to any employee during the year, you will need to provide any missing information before your 1095-Cs can be filed.
  • If the plan was NOT used during the calendar year (and will not be listed on any of your employee data), this is not an issue; however, you will likely want to end the plan as of the correct end date.

When reviewing your Plan reports, pay close attention to the Plan Data Mapping section. If there is no data here, this plan is not mapped to any divisions, and any reference to this plan in your employee datasheet will result in an error.


A Report for Every Plan

You will find a separate Plan Summary Report for each plan listed on your account that is effective in the current IRS reporting year. Be sure to review every listed plan for accuracy, as any incorrect or missing information could result in an error when uploading or filing your employee data.