See below for an explanation of each column on the 1094 Grid.

  • Reporting Year: The year the batch file and corresponding 1095 forms will be reporting on.
  • Request ID: This is used to track of each form generation request for troubleshooting purposes.
  • Division: The division within your company that the 1094 is reporting data for.
  • Date Created: The date the 1094 file was generated. This is for your internal review only and does not impact IRS submission in any way.
  • 1094 Type: ACA Track automatically determines the appropriate 1094 type (Authoritative, Non-Authoritative, Corrective), based on whether you are submitting to the IRS for the first time or resubmitting with corrections or additional information. This column will tell you what type of 1094 you will be submitting.
  • 1094 Batch ID: This is an internal ID that can help ACA Track locate batches for assistance or troubleshooting purposes.
  • IRS Status: The current status of the 1094 batch. For a complete list of possible statuses and their definition, see IRS Results.
  • Next Step: The Next Step column provides a brief explanation of what course of action is required for the 1094 batch, based on its IRS Status. For more complete instructions, refer back to this manual.
  • IRS Receipt ID (Date): This lists the confirmation receipt ID provided by the IRS, as well as the date of your IRS response.
  • Attachments: Check here for any additional files, such as your XML file or Error Report.
  • Actions: The action column is where you will upload your information to the IRS or delete a 1094 batch.


See Also:


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