Once you have reviewed your file and are ready to submit your 1094/1095 document(s) to the IRS, click the “Submit” button () in the Action column. You will need to confirm that you have reviewed your forms and are ready to submit them.

After submitting your forms to the IRS, it may take up to 7 days for the IRS to review the information and provide a response.

To check the status of your submission, return to or refresh the IRS Submission page.


IRS Receipt ID

Once  the IRS receives your submission, they will send us a confirmation  number, which will be recorded in the IRS Receipt ID column. It is the  only confirmation the IRS will send of your eFile. ACA Track recommends  you record and save this number for your records.

IRS Results

You can check the status of your IRS submission at any time on the IRS Submission page. To determine where your forms are in the creation and submission process, check the “IRS Status” column.

You should see one of the following IRS Status results:

  • Ready: This status means your 1094 file has been created and is now ready for review submission to the IRS. You next steps should be to review the form and submit them.
  • Transmitting: This status means your files have been sent electronically to the IRS, and we are awaiting a response. This process could take up to 7 days.
  • Accepted: Your files have been submitted and were accepted by the IRS. You have finished the submittal process for this division.
  • Accepted with Errors: Your files have been submitted, but the IRS identified errors within the information you provided. You will need to correct your data and resubmit it to the IRS. See Accepted with Errors for more information.
  • Rejected: The entirety of your file was not accepted by the IRS. In this case, you will need to:
    1. Download and save the error report.
    2. Delete the bad 1094 file using the trash can icon. You will not be able to upload a new 1094 until the original file has been deleted.
    3. Carefully review the error report and make the appropriate corrections.
    4. If there were errors with employee information: Re-upload your corrected employee/dependent and rerun your 1095s.
    5. Rerun your 1094s.
  • Transmission Error:  An error occurred while transmitting your 1094 file to the IRS. You should resubmit the batch by clicking the “upload” button again.
  • XSD Error: If you receive an XSD Error, the system was unable to create an XML file from the company, plan, and employee data you’ve provided us. Your 1094s cannot be submitted to the IRS if there is an XSD Error, and you will need correct your division information and/or employee data. To correct an XSD error:
    1. Download and save the XML error report.
    2. Delete the bad 1094 file using the trash can icon. You will not be able to upload a new 1094 until the original file has been deleted.
    3. Carefully review the error report and make the appropriate corrections.
    4. If there were errors with employee information: Re-upload your corrected employee/dependent and rerun your 1095s.
    5. Rerun your 1094s.

Next Step: Accepted with Errors


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