A warning on your Data Quality Report (DQR) does not mean there is an error with your employee data.

Rather, the DQR compares your employee data with the information you provided about your health insurance plans and warns you when there are potential discrepancies.

For example, if your Plan information states that new benefits start on the first of the month, but your data shows an employee’s Coverage Begin Date as June 6th, you will receive a warning. It’s possibly that a life event resulted in a mid-month offering (in which case, your data is correct), or the conflicting dates could be a data error.

Other common warnings that may result from correct data include:

  • Dependent Coverage Check – If you offer a self-insured plan and no dependents are listed, you will receive a warning in this field. If you had no dependents enrolled in that plan, you don’t need to make any changes. But we wanted to make you aware, in case this was an error.

  • Self-insured & COBRA Coverage – For self-insured plans, you’re required to report COBRA coverage for termed employees. If none of your termed employees accepted the offer of COBRA, you can ignore this warning.

  • Coverage Effective Date – As stated above, if your Plan Coverage Effective Date is listed as First of Month, but your employee data contains anyone with a Coverage Begin Date other than the first day of the month, you will receive a warning and should review that information.

  • Coverage Termination Date – Similarly, if your Plan Coverage End Date is listed as the End of Month, but you reported an employee with a mid-month Coverage End Date, you will receive a warning. While there may be a legitimate reason for this discrepancy, those are rare, and this information should be carefully reviewed.

  • Termination/ Coverage End Date check - A warning here means that one or more of your employees has a Term Date listed with no Coverage End Date. This could happen if you reported COBRA coverage for a termed employee and did not list a Coverage End Date. In this case, your data is likely fine. On the other hand, it could also indicate that you are missing a necessary Coverage End Date, and your data should

Regardless of the reason you receive a warning on your DQR, we highly recommend carefully reviewing all your data to minimize the risk of reporting errors.