In order to complete a 1095C form for each of your employees and the corresponding company 1094C forms, ACA TRACK needs information about every employee and their eligibility for health insurance coverage throughout the current reporting year (January 1 – December 31).

Unlike a W-2 form that reports only year-end information on an employee, the 1095 reports health insurance coverage eligibility activity about the employee for each month of the year. That means we need to capture and report job status and health insurance coverage changes that occur throughout the year.

ACA TRACK will handle the month-by-month reporting. All we need from you is some basic information about each of your employees, as well as the details of any job status or coverage type changes they may have had throughout the year.

To simplify this process, we have developed a user-friendly template, where you can enter all of the necessary information. The following guide will walk you through the process of entering employee information, along with specific steps for handling special circumstances, such as a change in job status, coverage type, termination, or other events that may impact an employee’s health insurance coverage over the course of the year.

Next Step: What Information Do We Need?

Download the complete guide