The Data Integrity Test runs dozens of data field comparisons for each employee or dependent, checking for incompatible or overlapping information. For example, if you have listed an employee as having multiple forms of coverage during the same time period (one of your dates was probably mistyped), the Data Integrity Test will flag the error, so you can correct the issue before uploading your data file to our database.

Your Data Integrity Report includes 4 sections: Results Summary, Integrity Detail Error Report, Rejected Records, and Accepted Records. All of these sections are available from the bottom tab within the Excel report file.

Results Summary

The Results Summary provides a broad overview of your Data Integrity test results, including:

  • The number of employee records that passed the inspection.
  • The number of employee records that failed the inspection.
  • The number of errors that occurred in each field of data.



Integrity Detail Error Report

For specific information regarding the errors that occurred (and how to correct them), go to the Integrity Detail Error Report tab.

This tab lists each error and provides the following information:

  • Row Number: Lists the row in your original data file where the error occurred.
  • Problem Column: Lists the column in which the error occurred. This will tell you the type of data that is in error, such as an employee’s “Hire Date.”
  • Error Message: Provides specific details about the error.
  • Row Data: Lists the invalid response from your original data file.

For additional information about these error messages and our data requirements, see the most recent Employee Datasheet Guide and Scenarios Spreadsheet. 


Rejected Records

The Rejected Records tab provides a complete list of the employee or dependent records that contained errors.

When reviewing this tab, we recommend sorting the data by Employee SSN, as this will group all data regarding a specific employee. If the error is with the SSN, you can also sort your data by first and/or last name.

Note that the first column of this report (Original Row #) references the row number from your original data file. You can use this number to quickly locate the error in your employee datasheet and make any necessary changes.


Accepted Records

The Accepted Records tab provides a complete list of those employees or dependents whose records passed all of our inspections. As this information is only for reference, it does not include the complete data for these individuals, but instead provides simply their First Name, Last Name, and SSN.



Correcting Your Data

Using the results of your Data Integrity Report, you should make changes to the information contained in the corresponding Employee or Dependent Data File.

To find the original data file, simply return to your Data Upload History and click the Excel icon next to the appropriate batch’s Partial Upload Success report: 


Note: In the event that the entire file failed, the batch’s status will be “Upload Fail.”

Once you have updated all of the invalid data items, based on the information provided in your Data Integrity Report, return to the Data Upload History and click the corresponding Re-Upload icon (it will be located on the sub-batch line):


This will return you to the Data Upload screen. For more information about uploading your employee or dependent data, see the Loading Employee and Dependent Data Guide.

Full or Partial Re-Upload

With a Data Integrity Test failure, you have the option of re-uploading your entire Employee/Dependent Datasheet, or uploading just those entries that failed the Integrity Test.

  • If you include the entire original file, any entries that previously passed the inspection will be overwritten with the new data.
  • If you only upload the entries that were in error, that information will be added to your originally successful data.

Note: If you use the “New Data Batch” button at the top of the page, rather than the corresponding “Re-Upload” button, you will create an entirely new batch file. In order to prevent any errors, you should then delete the original batch, using the trash icon. (This is not the recommended method for correcting failed batches.)


See Also:

Download the complete guide

See the video tutorial