The following table provides a list of Status results your batch file may receive, along with an explanation of each result and instructions for resolving any corresponding errors.


Upload Status Name
General Events triggering
Next Step Message
Failed File Format Inspection
A column in your file is invalid, the wrong data template was selected, or the data file you uploaded is not XLS or XLSX format.
Check the columns in your data file and make sure they correspond with the columns in your Data Template. Once your file or template is corrected, re-upload the entire file.
Failed Data Validation Inspection
A Data Validation failure occurs when a batch file contains invalid rows, dates are not in the correct format, or the file contains codes that have not been mapped within your Division or Plan modules.
Review the Data Validation Error Report and correct any errors. Then re-upload all records.  
File Processing
The data validation or integrity inspection is currently in progress.
No action is required at this time. Check back later for results. 
Partial Fail- Data Integrity Inspection
This status is automatically given to system-generated sub-batches which contain those records that failed the integrity test. 
Check the Data Integrity Error Report, correct the failed records, and re-upload the corrected sub-batch file.
You can re-upload the entire corrected data file, in which case any previously successful records will be overwritten with the new data. Or you can upload just the corrected records.
Note: If you delete any files without uploading replacement data, those records will be lost. 
Partial Upload Success 
A batch had some valid employee records, which were successfully uploaded.
You do not need to take any action for the Partial Success batch files, but you will need to use the arrow ( ) to drill down to review the Partial Fail sub-batch (see above) and correct those records.
Upload Fail
All employee data failed the data integrity Inspection.
Review and correct data for all employees, and then re-upload the entire batch file.
Data Upload Complete
All of the employee records attempted were successfully uploaded.
No further action is required for these records
Note: If this was an inspection batch, an Actual batch will need to be run before your data is uploaded for submittal.
The batch was deleted.
No action is required. You can view the deleted batch file by clicking on the green spreadsheet icon.
Note: If you delete any files without uploading replacement data, those records will be lost.

Next Step: Reviewing Your Data Inspection Reports

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