From the Data Management module, go to the Data Upload tab and click the “New Data Batch” button:

Before you can upload your data file, you need to provide some key information about that data file, which will enable ACA Track to accurately interpret and report upon that data.


Batch Name: Provide a name for the resulting batch file.

Data Source: Select whether the data is for Employees or Dependents.

Which Month is the data through: Enter the final month reported in this batch file.

Select Batch Type: Choose from the following options:

  • Inspection – This type should only be used for draft census files intended for preliminary testing. This batch file cannot be used as the source for your final 1095-C reports.  You may run as many of these as you like.
  • Actual – Select this option if you are uploading final census data intended to be used for the 1095-C reports.  Make sure to delete any old Actual batches that you don’t want to use for final reporting. Note: This option will not be available until later in the calendar year, when it is possible to have collected data through December.
  • Corrective – ONLY select this option in the event that final reports need to be corrected and rerun. Note: A batch should only be marked corrective if an incorrect Form 1095 has been filed with the IRS. As such, this batch type will not be available for use until the reporting year closes.

 Select Template: Select the appropriate template that you used to create your data from the pull-down list.  

Select Company/Division: Select the division(s) that this batch file contains data for. If the data contains information for multiple divisions, select all that apply.  You can also select ALL, which will process data for all divisions contained within your spreadsheet.  Note: Your spreadsheet does not need to contain data for all of your divisions to use the ALL function.

Select File: Search your computer for the data file to be uploaded to ACA Track.

Note: Your data file MUST be in Excel Spreadsheet format (.xls OR .xlsx)

Select Your Worksheet: ACA will read the file and present a list of worksheet tabs. Select the worksheet that contains the data you wish to upload, and click “Save.”


Click “Next” to begin the upload process. 


If you need to save your process at any point, click SAVE AS DRAFT to save the batch as a draft and process it later.  


 Next Step: Data Inspection 1: File Format Inspection

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