Once you have created your plan, you need to map it to your employee data and assign it to the company/division(s) that it is available to. To do this, click on the Plan Mapping tab:



Plan ID(s)

In this section, enter all versions of the plan ID used in your employee data that refers to this plan. It is important that you enter all variations used; otherwise, your employee data may not import correctly.

This field is required. Even if you only use one Plan ID in your data and it matches the Plan Name exactly, it still needs to be listed here.

Note: You cannot map the same Plan ID to more than one plan.


Plan Assignment

In this section, you need to assign the plan you just created to all company/division(s) that offer the Plan. The first time you visit this screen, all of the divisions you have previously created will appear in the “Divisions not assigned to this Plan” box (left). Select all that this plan applies to, and click the right arrow to move them to the “Divisions assigned to this Plan” box.

If you need to make any changes to plan assignments, you can also select items in the “Divisions assigned to this plan” box, and click the left arrow to unassigned them.

Next Step: Plan Management 7 - Plan Cost

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